Tag: metaverse

How to Build Trust in a Decentralized World

How to Build Trust in a Decentralized World

In a world increasingly shaped by decentralization, trust plays a pivotal role in fostering meaningful connections and driving collaborative efforts. With the rise of decentralized technologies such as blockchain, Web3, and decentralized finance (DeFi), traditional trust models are being redefined, presenting both opportunities and challenges. So, how can individuals and organizations build trust in this decentralized landscape? Let’s explore some…

Web3 Social Media: Time to Switch to Something New

Web3 Social Media: Time to Switch to Something New

I am very fortunate that since 2014 I have observed the way Blockchain technology changes how we do things. With its emergence and the advent of cryptocurrencies: we changed our vision of what money could be;  then, whole ecosystems that change economic relations started to spring up;  after, platforms that allow us to create content, own and sell it in…

Fundamental Web3 Words you need to understand

Fundamental Web3 Words you need to understand

Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of web3, a new “reality” for the Internet 💥. We’ve curated a list of some of the most common terms you’ll hear while navigating the space. Commit these to memory and you’ll be well-equipped for anything web3 may throw your way! Airdrop — a marketing technique in which crypto projects send their native…

Mixing social media and Web3 – what do we know about SocialFi?

Mixing social media and Web3 – what do we know about SocialFi?

SocialFi (social finance) unites the principles of social media and DeFi (decentralized finance). To put it in another way, it’s social media based on blockchain technology. Its participants are targeted on secure data, freedom of exposure of their opinion, and monetizing of their social-media engagement. Regarding the latter, the profit from engagement is paid in cryptocurrency, while NFTs (non-fungible tokens)…

Top 5 Podcasts for the Crypto Community

Top 5 Podcasts for the Crypto Community

As marketers, the AroundB team is compelled to follow the latest news and trends in the crypto industry. Keeping our finger on the pulse is what we do 😉 One medium we’re particularly fond of is the podcast. It’s convenient, versatile, and perfect for consuming on your morning commute or lunch break! ☝️ Hit play and you can level up…

Notes, tips, and events trends for your crypto project

Notes, tips, and events trends for your crypto project

2022 is the first year after the Covid – 19 pandemic and we have finally got back to normal life. We are seeing a boom in crypto-conferences and trips again, even despite the arrival of the crypto-winter. We decided to talk about the event formats that are noteworthy and determine which format is right for your project. Events have always…

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